


Authenticate users using PAM/local unix users?

Added by Martin Andersson about 14 years ago


Is there a way to authenticate redmine users against local unix users? E.g. Redmine user "user1" will authenticate against shell access user "user1" etc.

I have been googleing this a lot but have not found anything relevant. Since I can authenticate agains LDAP, AD, OpenID etc, it feels like PAM authentication is just a checkbox away, but I just can't figure out how to do it.

Help on this would be greatly appreciated.

// Martin

Replies (4)

RE: Authenticate users using PAM/local unix users? - Added by Felix Schäfer about 14 years ago

There's no backend available for that at the moment, sorry. Maybe scourge through the bugtracker, if you're lucky someone else tackled this already and uploaded a patch.

RE: Authenticate users using PAM/local unix users? - Added by Martin Andersson about 14 years ago

Ah, thanks. I did check the bugtracker and only found a thread about it, but unfortunately not any patches.

If I where to use, say, mod_auth_pam in my apache setup, would it be possible to make redmine respect the authentication from apache and not ask for login credentials by it self?

RE: Authenticate users using PAM/local unix users? - Added by Felix Schäfer about 14 years ago

Not either, the only official backends are redmine's own db and LDAP, though is built to be pluggable, so it shouldn't be too hard to realize an auth backend based on LDAP that will authenticate against the extra headers apache passes through.
