


problem with the server's session.save_pat with Joomla

Added by Khoa Nguyen An about 14 years ago

Hi all

I am using Kloxo, Lighttpd for my Joomla sites. When I install Joomla in the root VPS it is ok. But for now, I created a reseller account and there is a problem. When installing Joomla in the reseller account, I met the error as the following:

An error has occurred.:

Cookies do not appear to be enabled on your browser client. You will not be able to install the application with this feature disabled. Alternatively, there could also be a problem with the server's session.save_path. If this is the case, please consult your hosting provider if you don't know how to check or fix this yourself.

I changed the session.save_path to /tmp in php.ini, I made the .htaccess for my reseller account and everything else but couldn't get over the error.

That's why I ask for any help to come over that error.

Please advise.

Many thanks

Replies (1)

RE: problem with the server's session.save_pat with Joomla - Added by Felix Schäfer about 14 years ago

I think you have hit the wrong bug tracker, this is the help forum for redmine.
