


An error occurred while sending mail

Added by Reidar M. Tronstad about 14 years ago


I've problems configuring the e-mail on my installation.
Java applications using JavaMail do not have any problems sending mail from the same server.
Java configuration:
host = <smtp host ip>
user = <user name>
password = **
sender = <sender e-mail address>

The redmine configuration:

delivery_method: :smtp
address: "<smtp host ip>"
port: "25"
domain: "<the server domain??>"
authentication: :login
user_name: "<user name>"
password: "****"

The smtp server response from telnet:
220 clientessmtp82.<the domain> Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service ready at Fri, 18 Jun 2010 11:00:56 +0200

When I try to send a mail from redmine the following message is shown:
An error occurred while sending mail (504 5.7.4 Unrecognized authentication type )

Can anyone help me please.

Reidar M.

Replies (2)

RE: An error occurred while sending mail - Added by Felix Schäfer about 14 years ago

The domain option is the SMTP Domain you are sending from, chances are you don't need that option. See if the server requires ssl or something similar. Google around for ActionMailer (that's what the rails mail component is called) and ESMTP (or outlook server or whatever), maybe you will find some hints regarding the configuration.

RE: An error occurred while sending mail - Added by Reidar M. Tronstad about 14 years ago

Thanks for the answer Felix.

I've searced the web tried the different options available for ActionMailer but no luck so far. Maybe I could investigate how JavaMail does the job or replace the mail handling in Redmine (or look for another tool).

