


Install problem: rake db:migrate is half-working

Added by fakalit fakalit over 14 years ago

Hi there,
I'm having a problem installing redmine.
Since my attempts of googling the situation failed and I have no experience with Redmine, I thought that I should ask for help here.

I followed the installing instructions on
I'm working on Windows XP.
I have MySql 5.1, Ruby 1.8.7, rails, necessary gems and some dll that supposed to fix an error about MySql version I don't get yet, installed.
I created the redmine database and user on MySql. Copied the file database.yml

The moment things started to go wrong is when I execute the command "rake db:migrate".

Some tables are created but the process stops at IssueAddNote: migrated(0.0123) line.
then when i try to execute "rake redmine:load_default_data" command, some error occures saying roles.builtin columns is not defined
as i can see from the video tutorial on there are still a lot of tables, indexes and columns to be created or altered.

What could be the reason behind this? What can i do to solve it?

Help is very appriciated. Thanks anyway.

Replies (5)

RE: Install problem: rake db:migrate is half-working - Added by Felix Schäfer over 14 years ago

If your rake stops halfway, you don't have the full schema and there's no point going on with the rest of the install. 2 things: mysql 5.1 is not supported by the rails adapter yet (not on unix at least, don't about windows as it contains binary parts), and please post the versions of rails and such you are using.

RE: Install problem: rake db:migrate is half-working - Added by fakalit fakalit over 14 years ago

thanks a lot for your answer.

About the versions;
i downloaded the redmine by svn (tried the 0.9.4 on rubyforge too though)
ruby 1.8.7
rails 2.3.5
rack 1.0.1
rake 0.8.6
MySql interafce: 2.8.1-x86-mingw32
and again; MySql 5.1

I'm not sure if I understand what you mean "you don't have the full schema". Where i am supposed to have the schema?
Right now I am switching to MySql 5.0. Thanks again for the info. hope it works.

RE: Install problem: rake db:migrate is half-working - Added by fakalit fakalit over 14 years ago

neither a change in database nor using bitNami stack worked. things always blow at the same point.

but I try to install into a different machine with the same instructions and succeeded.

only noticable difference between machines is the working one uses Windows Vista.

If somebody would share his idea why else could this be happening i'd be very much obliged.
thanks anyway.

RE: Install problem: rake db:migrate is half-working - Added by Felix Schäfer over 14 years ago

What is the trace of the failed migration? (add --trace to the command)

RE: Install problem: rake db:migrate is half-working - Added by fakalit fakalit over 14 years ago

Actually trace doesn't say much but here it is:
Fault occures when i try to execute load default data part.
I think if I had the sql code to create schema manually the problem would be solved.

@C:\Tools\redmine>set RAILS_ENV=production

C:\Tools\redmine>rake generate_session_store
(in C:/Tools/redmine)

C:\Tools\redmine>rake db:migrate
(in C:/Tools/redmine)
rake aborted!
No such file or directory - C:/Tools/redmine/config/database.yml

(See full trace by running task with --trace)

C:\Tools\redmine>rake generate_session_store
(in C:/Tools/redmine)

C:\Tools\redmine>set RAILS_ENV=production

C:\Tools\redmine>rake db:migrate --trace
(in C:/Tools/redmine)
  • Invoke db:migrate (first_time)
  • Invoke environment (first_time)
  • Execute environment
  • Execute db:migrate
    Setup: migrating ========================================================
    -- create_table("attachments", {:force=>true})
    > 0.2031s
    create_table("auth_sources", {:force=>true})
    > 0.0781s
    create_table("custom_fields", {:force=>true})
    > 0.0625s
    create_table("custom_fields_projects", {:force=>true, :id=>false})
    > 0.0625s
    create_table("custom_fields_trackers", {:force=>true, :id=>false})
    > 0.0625s
    create_table("custom_values", {:force=>true})
    > 0.0469s
    create_table("documents", {:force=>true})
    > 0.0781s
    add_index("documents", ["project_id"], {:name=>"documents_project_id"})
    > 0.1250s
    create_table("enumerations", {:force=>true})
    > 0.0625s
    create_table("issue_categories", {:force=>true})
    > 0.0625s
    add_index("issue_categories", ["project_id"], {:name=>"issue_categories_proje
    > 0.1406s
    create_table("issue_histories", {:force=>true})
    > 0.0469s
    add_index("issue_histories", ["issue_id"], {:name=>"issue_histories_issue_id"
    > 0.1094s
    create_table("issue_statuses", {:force=>true})
    > 0.0781s
    create_table("issues", {:force=>true})
    > 0.0625s
    add_index("issues", ["project_id"], {:name=>"issues_project_id"})
    > 0.1406s
    create_table("members", {:force=>true})
    > 0.0625s
    create_table("news", {:force=>true})
    > 0.0469s
    add_index("news", ["project_id"], {:name=>"news_project_id"})
    > 0.1563s
    create_table("permissions", {:force=>true})
    > 0.0625s
    create_table("permissions_roles", {:force=>true, :id=>false})
    > 0.0469s
    add_index("permissions_roles", ["role_id"], {:name=>"permissions_roles_role_i
    > 0.1094s
    create_table("projects", {:force=>true})
    > 0.0625s
    create_table("roles", {:force=>true})
    > 0.0625s
    create_table("tokens", {:force=>true})
    > 0.0625s
    create_table("trackers", {:force=>true})
    > 0.0625s
    create_table("users", {:force=>true})
    > 0.0625s
    create_table("versions", {:force=>true})
    > 0.0781s
    add_index("versions", ["project_id"], {:name=>"versions_project_id"})
    > 0.0938s
    create_table("workflows", {:force=>true})
    -> 0.0625s
    Setup: migrated (4.1406s) ===============================================
IssueMove: migrating ====================================================
IssueMove: migrated (0.0469s) =========================================== IssueAddNote: migrating =================================================
IssueAddNote: migrated (0.0938s) ========================================
  • Invoke db:schema:dump (first_time)
  • Invoke environment
  • Execute db:schema:dump
C:\Tools\redmine>rake redmine:load_default_data --trace
(in C:/Tools/redmine)
  • Invoke redmine:load_default_data (first_time)
  • Invoke environment (first_time)
  • Execute environment
  • Execute redmine:load_default_data

Select language: bg, bs, ca, cs, da, de, el, en, en-GB, es, eu, fi, fr, gl, he,
hr, hu, id, it, ja, ko, lt, lv, mn, nl, no, pl, pt, pt-BR, ro, ru, sk, sl, sr, s
r-CY, sv, th, tr, uk, vi, zh, zh-TW [en] en ====================================
Error: Mysql::Error: Unknown column 'roles.builtin' in 'where clause': SELECT *
FROM `roles` WHERE (`roles`.`builtin` = 0) LIMIT 1
Default configuration data was not loaded.
