


Database connect per SSL

Added by Markus Falb about 14 years ago

Are SSL secured connections Webserver <-> Database supported ?
A Search revealed not too much, only in it is mentioned

gem install pg (works with SSL connections, may need development libraries/packages for your OS before it will compile)

Is it only supported with postgres ?
How to configure database.yml ?

Best Regards,

Replies (2)

RE: Database connect per SSL - Added by Felix Schäfer about 14 years ago

DB Connections are handled by whatever adapter you choose to use, so you'll have to look for whether the adapter for the DB you intend to use supports it. Google for something like "rails <yourdb> ssl".

RE: Database connect per SSL - Added by Felix Schäfer about 14 years ago

DB Connections are handled by whatever adapter you choose to use, so you'll have to look for whether the adapter for the DB you intend to use supports it. Google for something like "rails <yourdb> ssl".
