


features in Tree View?

Added by Radek Simcik about 14 years ago


I am looking for a tool that would allow me to manage software features - list them, categorize, ticked as implemented, have different tags for them, assign 'the build number', display in a tree kind of view, mark as 'maybe in the future'.

It seems to me that Redmine can do almost everything I want but the Tree View. Or did I miss that?

Thank you


Replies (6)

RE: features in Tree View? - Added by Felix Schäfer about 14 years ago

Do you want tickets in a tree view? I'm not sure what you are referring to with "software features". Anyway, Redmine 1.0 is due in a few weeks and has a subissues feature, which would allow you to group issues in a tree, the dependencies between them are quite hard though (i.e. IIRC the time spent of a parent is the sum of the time spent for the children, and I think you can't edit the time spent for the parent issue, and so on), so I'm not sure how that would fit you. Maybe you could check out the trunk version and play with it a little to get a feeling for it.

RE: features in Tree View? - Added by Radek Simcik about 14 years ago

Hi Felix

thank you for quick reply.

So if I play with trunk version and set up everything the way I like would the final realase work for me later on. I mean if the data will be untouched :-)

By "software features" I mean

1 User login (version 1.0)
1.1 detect browser
1.2 detect visitor country (version 1.5)
1.3 something else
2 Display home page (version 1.5)
2.1 ...
3 Logout (version 1.5)

something like that.

I don't care about time spent at all :-) Only the features and maybe versioning of the source code...

Thank you


RE: features in Tree View? - Added by Felix Schäfer about 14 years ago

Radek Simcik wrote:

So if I play with trunk version and set up everything the way I like would the final realase work for me later on. I mean if the data will be untouched :-)

trunk should (mostly) seamlessly update to the next stable once it's released, but trunk has been stable enough since we started using redmine that I never did anything else than upgrade to a more current trunk (quite easy if you install from the svn or git repository).

By "software features" I mean

1 User login (version 1.0)
1.1 detect browser
1.2 detect visitor country (version 1.5)
1.3 something else
2 Display home page (version 1.5)
2.1 ...
3 Logout (version 1.5)

Well, there are versions and a roadmap, which would seem to more closely resemble what you are looking for, but versions aren't hierarchic. There also exists the possibility to create relations between issues, which can have more or less influence on an issue's life, but I don't think that would quite fit either.

To be honest, I've never really thought about a feature list that way, so I haven't really tried to put it in the redmine structure, so I'll go back to my initial recommendation: just try it out :-)

RE: features in Tree View? - Added by Radek Simcik about 14 years ago

any suggestions how I can test trunk on windows?

I was looking around a lot and seems to me that Redmine is The One. Have to try though.

thank you


RE: features in Tree View? - Added by Felix Schäfer about 14 years ago

Not sure about windows really, but the quickest path under linux would be: install ruby, rubygems, rails + other gems (at least the SQLite adapter, though it should be pulled in as a dependency of rails), checkout redmine from svn or git (both contain the same, use the flavor you like most), follow the install guide with a SQLite DB, start the server with script/server -e production. You will get a one-threaded redmine running on sqlite, so it might be slower than on a proper server with a proper DB.

Note though that it's quite an undertaking to get data from SQLite into MySQL or PostgreSQL, so if you find redmine to be Good™, consider installing it "properly" before you begin to customize anything you'd like to take to your definitive installation.

RE: features in Tree View? - Added by Radek Simcik about 14 years ago


I downloaded [[]] and I guess have svn and git client see the attachment.

Could anybody tell me how I can download the latest trunk version into my test virtual machine? Exact command would be nice.

at work we use svn co svn+ssh:/var/lib/svne2/product/tags/3.0.5_quickfix/ 3.0.5/

thank you

