


Lost port on redirect

Added by Za Ro about 14 years ago

I'm not so good in english and ruby, but redmine is what I want.
But I have next problem:

I do like here: with some changes. I change nginx port to 8080. The system is work good, but when system do redirect - port disappears from url.

When I click logout - url is http://host:8080/logout, but after logout system redirect to http://host/

Replies (3)

RE: Lost port on redirect - Added by Za Ro about 14 years ago

Administration -> Settings -> Host name and path
set to host:8080

RE: Lost port on redirect - Added by Felix Schäfer about 14 years ago

The settings part is used at other places, but not for redirects. Please make sure all your rewrite rules in your NGINX config are correct, it might also be that you need to pass an additional header to thin specifying the request's port (in other words: the reverse proxy configuration might be wrong).

RE: Lost port on redirect - Added by Za Ro about 14 years ago

string: proxy_redirect http://host/ http://host:3000/; fix my problem...
