


Upgrade problem - blank page

Added by inu man about 14 years ago


I've recently upgraded Redmine from 0.8.6 to the last version 0.9.5
I encountered two problems till now:
- when I apply any filter on the Issues list of a project, a page with only the header and the footer is displayed (the main content area where the issues list table should be, is completely blank)
- sometimes, when I update an issue I get the same page with blank content, although the issues is updated

Please let me know if you have any idea on how to track/solve this problem.


Replies (5)

RE: Upgrade problem - blank page - Added by inu man about 14 years ago

It seems there is a problem with the generated page.
If I view the source of the page, all the content is there, but if I view the generated source, or the html structure in Firebug, I get a blank tag: <div id="content"></div>

Does anybody have a clue?...

RE: Upgrade problem - blank page - Added by inu man about 14 years ago

I found out that I get an empty response when I click on Apply to filter the issues table.
Also, Firebug shows an XML error: XML Parsing Error: no element found Location: moz-nullprincipal:{2c765439-0d0f-4f78-bdf9-ac9416514c81} Line Number 1, Column 1:

RE: Upgrade problem - blank page - Added by Felix Schäfer about 14 years ago

Please make sure you have the right software versions installed (ruby 1.8.6 or 1.8.7, rails 2.3.5, rack 1.0 or 1.0.1, more info: RedmineInstall). You might also want to have a look at the redmine logs logs/production.log to see if there is any trace of the error.

RE: Upgrade problem - blank page - Added by inu man about 14 years ago

It seems the problem was because I had installed rails 2.3.8 instead of 2.3.5
So it's working now.

Thanks a lot Felix and have a great day!

RE: Upgrade problem - blank page - Added by Felix Schäfer about 14 years ago

Happy to hear that works :-)
