Wiki formating
Added by Tim Schmiedeskamp over 14 years ago
is it possible to show sings like "<>=" bold?
If I type
" *<>=* "
is the result: " <>= " nothing is bold.
And is there a way to make a unordered lists or a ordered list inside a table cell
| * item1 ** item2 * item3 | all items |
shows only this:
* item1 * item2 item3 |
all items |
and not I expected something like this:
- item1 -- item2 - item3 |
all items |
Is there a trick to get Lists in a Table cells?
I hope someone can help me.
Replies (1)
RE: Wiki formating - Added by Felix Schäfer over 14 years ago
In your first example, the stuff is bold here, so I think it will be another issue.
Regarding lists in table, I'm not sure if or how they are supported, but I can tell you that redmine uses the Textile markup through the RedCloth 3 backend, that may help you to find more complete documentation.