


REST API - authenticity_token to work with sessions

Added by Rafal myco about 14 years ago

Hello! I wish to use RESTful api with proper _redmine_session stored in cookies.
To get it i need probably have authenticity_token to do:

curl -v -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d
"authenticity_token=xxxxxxxxxx&username=somelogin&password=somepassword&login=Login+%C2%BB" -c cookies http://redmine.server/login

and finally:
curl -v -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/xml" -b cookies http://redmine.server/issues/230.xml

Is there some method to generate and receive authenticity token via GET or POST ?

Replies (2)

RE: REST API - authenticity_token to work with sessions - Added by Felix Schäfer about 14 years ago

Moving this to the help section, the development section is only for redmine internals.

RE: REST API - authenticity_token to work with sessions - Added by Felix Schäfer about 14 years ago

The REST API should only be used with the API keys from the right sidebar of each user's "My account" page.
