


Date display is corrupted in Russian language

Added by Alexey Starchikhin about 14 years ago

When i use Redmine with Russian locale, all dates are displayed corrupted (see attachment). In English everything is ok. Do you know how to fix this?

dates.jpg (124 KB) dates.jpg

Replies (7)

RE: Date display is corrupted in Russian language - Added by Alexey Starchikhin about 14 years ago

I've just upgraded to 1.0, but this bug was in earlier version too.

RE: Date display is corrupted in Russian language - Added by Felix Schäfer about 14 years ago

This doesn't seem to be part of any of the defaults shipped with redmine, have you done any modifications to the redmine code?

RE: Date display is corrupted in Russian language - Added by Alexey Starchikhin about 14 years ago

I just examined the source of this html page. These symbols are "Московское время (лето)" - "Moscow time(summer)" in Russian
For a some reason russian locale displays it after the date (other languages don't), and it's WIN-1251 encoded string inside of UTF-8 page, that's why it's corrupted.

RE: Date display is corrupted in Russian language - Added by Felix Schäfer about 14 years ago

That doesn't appear in the redmine language files, hence I'm afraid your problem lies elsewhere… Can you reproduce this error here on or on ?

RE: Date display is corrupted in Russian language - Added by Alexey Starchikhin about 14 years ago

No, i can't, there is no such error here with russian locale. But, and use different date output format.
I switched to russian locale in both cases.

2010-07-21 18:20

Ср, 21 июля 2010, 12:01:38 -0700

Where these formats defined?

RE: Date display is corrupted in Russian language - Added by Felix Schäfer about 14 years ago

The strings are defined in config/locales/ru.yml, but I wasn't able to find the string you mentioned in there. Is your redmine installed from svn/git, could you make a diff to see if you find the source of the change.

RE: Date display is corrupted in Russian language - Added by Alexey Starchikhin about 14 years ago

No need, i've found fix for it - time zone in profile should be defined. If time zone is empty, this bug appears.
