


Troubles getting Gmail email notification work in redmine Redmine 1.0.0-0

Added by Ramzy JELASSI over 14 years ago

Hi all,

I just installed for the first time the Bitrami redmine application on my windows 7 Pro, i mean here both RubyStack 2.1-0 (which involves Ruby 1.8.7 and Rails 2.3.5) and also Redmine 1.0.0-0 (according to the description found on the Bitnami site itself.

Well, i started to test many functionalities and it was really great to discover Resmine, however i am still having a big trouble to get the email notificatrion work!
I found a lot of post on this site and on the redmine site from people getting serious problems to get the notification really work and i am sad to be one of them.
Actually, after installing the Bitnami application i did not modify any file but only the email.yml file whose content looks as the following:

  1. Outgoing email settings
  delivery_method: :smtp
    enable_starttls_auto: true
    tls: true
    port: 587
    authentication: :plain
    password: mygmailpassworf

  delivery_method: :smtp
    enable_starttls_auto: true
    tls: true
    port: 587
    authentication: :plain
    password: mygmailpassworf

I restarted the apache webserver using the "C:\Program Files\BitNamiRubyStack\apache2\bin\ApacheMonitor" ( this is the only way i am actually using to restart/stop my web server).
I tried than to access the "email notifications" tab in the redmine webapp in order to send send a test email, but unfortunately i got the following error:

"An error occurred while sending mail (530 5.7.0 Must issue a STARTTLS command first. e31sm2246494wbe.17 )" 

I really don't get it! all the available posts suggest that no plugin is needed to support TLS for the recent redmine version so why i still have this error while attempting to send the test email to my gmail account?
It seems also that any further changement that can occur in the email.yml file is not really taken into account by the redmine application even after restarting the web server (using always the ApacheMonitor)!!
Even deleting the email.?yml ( just for testing purpose) semms not to bother redmine whi still displays the same error message mentionned above ( and yes i restarted the apache2 server using always the ApacheMonitor !)

Well I followed all instructions I could find but i don't understand the redmine behaviour regarding this functionality. So can anyone please help me to get all this fixed?

Thank you all for your support.

Replies (1)

RE: Troubles getting Gmail email notification work in redmine Redmine 1.0.0-0 - Added by Felix Schäfer over 14 years ago

Ramzy JELASSI wrote:

I really don't get it! all the available posts suggest that no plugin is needed to support TLS for the recent redmine version so why i still have this error while attempting to send the test email to my gmail account?

Recent versions of ruby and rails, redmine has nothing to do with the actual handling and sending of emails, it only prepares them and hands them off to rails.

It seems also that any further changement that can occur in the email.yml file is not really taken into account by the redmine application even after restarting the web server (using always the ApacheMonitor)!!
Even deleting the email.?yml ( just for testing purpose) semms not to bother redmine whi still displays the same error message mentionned above ( and yes i restarted the apache2 server using always the ApacheMonitor !)

Please have a look at the bitnami website for the right way to restart redmine or rails apps, but restarting apache is probably not the way to do it as I suppose it is only a reverse proxy sitting in front of the actual rails server. In fact, if after renaming or deleting the file you can still access the email configuration tab and it shows anything else than a warning that you need said file, you haven't restarted redmine properly.
