


Test Installation of Plugins without affecting productive environment

Added by Glenn Gould over 14 years ago

Hi Folks, just some questions about plugin testing/management:

I'm running a productive Redmine installation and want to test some plugins to check, whether they increase the overall productivity and make users happy ;-). I'd like to do so, by testing them in a test environment before enabling in the production environment. Is that possible?

As plugins are located within the same filesystem for all Redmine environments (production/development/test...), and I'm not familiar with rails concepts, I'm little puzzled about enabling such a plugin for the test environment only:

Did I get it correctly, that as long as I only copy the plugin files to #{RAILS_ROOT}/vendor/plugins (like described in plugins), the plugin remains inactive and doesn't appear within Redmine in any way?
And that doing

rake db:migrate_plugins RAILS_ENV=test

will enable a given plugin for the test Environment, but won't affect the production environment in any way?

One additional question: Is it possible to enable and disable a specific plugin instead of all plugins for a given environment?

Thanks for your help!

Replies (2)

RE: Test Installation of Plugins without affecting productive environment - Added by Felix Schäfer over 14 years ago

In short: No, all plugins will be loaded in all environments because they all load this path (vendor/plugins), the only thing rake db:migrate_plugins do install all schema migrations from all plugins to the database of the selected environment. Maybe drop by IRC and discuss this with edavis10, he should have a little more insight in this (though probably a little less time too ;-) ).

RE: Test Installation of Plugins without affecting productive environment - Added by Glenn Gould over 14 years ago

Thanks for your answer, Felix. So I'll just copy the whole Redmine directory and use webrick from the copied folder with the test environment. And maybe it's indeed time for me to think about using some new-world acquirements like IRC ;-).
