


please help me to optimize my lighttpd and fastcgi

Added by johan smohan almost 14 years ago

Added by about 1 hour ago

also... my problem is that lighttpd just shuts down after some minutes and reboots or something like that, the site appears offline.

my site has 70 000+ unique visits / day

any help please?

status: 6
fastcgi.backend.localhost.0.connected: 88
fastcgi.backend.localhost.0.died: 0
fastcgi.backend.localhost.0.disabled: 0
fastcgi.backend.localhost.0.load: 1
fastcgi.backend.localhost.0.overloaded: 0
fastcgi.backend.localhost.1.connected: 181
fastcgi.backend.localhost.1.died: 0
fastcgi.backend.localhost.1.disabled: 0
fastcgi.backend.localhost.1.load: 1
fastcgi.backend.localhost.1.overloaded: 0
fastcgi.backend.localhost.2.connected: 370
fastcgi.backend.localhost.2.died: 0
fastcgi.backend.localhost.2.disabled: 0
fastcgi.backend.localhost.2.load: 1
fastcgi.backend.localhost.2.overloaded: 0
fastcgi.backend.localhost.3.connected: 843
fastcgi.backend.localhost.3.died: 0
fastcgi.backend.localhost.3.disabled: 0
fastcgi.backend.localhost.3.load: 1
fastcgi.backend.localhost.3.overloaded: 0
fastcgi.backend.localhost.4.connected: 1829
fastcgi.backend.localhost.4.died: 0
fastcgi.backend.localhost.4.disabled: 0
fastcgi.backend.localhost.4.load: 2
fastcgi.backend.localhost.4.overloaded: 0
fastcgi.backend.localhost.load: 6
fastcgi.requests: 3311

that's what i changed in my cfg cfg:

fastcgi.server = ( ".php" =>
( "localhost" =>
"socket" => "/tmp/php-fastcgi.socket",
"bin-path" => "/usr/bin/php-cgi",
"max-procs" => 5,
"bin-environment" => (
"broken-scriptfilename" => "enable"

i already red all the tutorials herem but nothing helps. :S i even installed xcache.

Replies (2)

RE: please help me to optimize my lighttpd and fastcgi - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 14 years ago

I'm sorry but you seem to have hit the wrong forums, this is the forum for redmine, not for lighttpd.
