


Disply forums like forums page

Added by Ian DeFazio almost 14 years ago

How would i go about setting up my Forums link to look like the's Forums link.

Replies (7)

RE: Disply forums like forums page - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 14 years ago

Add more than one board to a project's forums, and it will show a list of boards instead showing the topics of only the one board configured if there is only one.

RE: Disply forums like forums page - Added by Ian DeFazio almost 14 years ago

Thanks, I'm not quite sure what you mean.

This is what is currently looks like
I would like it to look and act more like the board.

All i have in the 'Forums' link is +New Message.

RE: Disply forums like forums page - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 14 years ago

I'm not sure what you mean either: you have exactly the same view, the only differences being that your forums are empty and that you have another skin for redmine, which slightly changes the colors. What else are you missing?

RE: Disply forums like forums page - Added by Ian DeFazio almost 14 years ago

On the items line i have
Subject | Author | Created | Replies | Last Message has
Forums | Topics | Messages | Last Message

It's as though when i click on the main 'Forums' link i go strait to a topic.

When i click on a link my options within that thread are just to reply, not '+New Message'.

RE: Disply forums like forums page - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 14 years ago

Ah, then my first thought was correct :-) You have created new threads, not new forums. You can create additional forums in the project settings provided you have the necessary permissions, see RedmineProjectSettings.

RE: Disply forums like forums page - Added by Ian DeFazio almost 14 years ago

Oh!! i see now.

Thank you!

Redmine is GREAT! :D
