


Problem Installing Redmine on Windows 7

Added by Gabriela Mota almost 14 years ago

Hi everyone

I would like to try Redmine v. 1.0.1.

The installation stoped at the step:

rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV="production"

What I did:
- I´ve already configured the production database
- Run rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV="production"
- Response:

!!! The bundled mysql.rb driver has been removed from Rails 2.2. Please install the mysql gem and try again: gem install mysql.
rake aborted!
no such file to load -- mysql

- Then I try: gem install mysql
- Response:

Successfully installed mysql-2.8.1-x86-mingw32
1 gem installed
Installing ri documentation for mysql-2.8.1-x86-mingw32...

No definition for next_result

No definition for field_name

No definition for field_table

No definition for field_def

No definition for field_type

No definition for field_length

No definition for field_max_length

No definition for field_flags

No definition for field_decimals

No definition for time_inspect

No definition for time_to_s

No definition for time_get_year

No definition for time_get_month

No definition for time_get_day

No definition for time_get_hour

No definition for time_get_minute

No definition for time_get_second

No definition for time_get_neg

No definition for time_get_second_part

No definition for time_set_year

No definition for time_set_month

No definition for time_set_day

No definition for time_set_hour

No definition for time_set_minute

No definition for time_set_second

No definition for time_set_neg

No definition for time_set_second_part

No definition for time_equal

No definition for error_errno

No definition for error_sqlstate
Installing RDoc documentation for mysql-2.8.1-x86-mingw32...

No definition for next_result

No definition for field_name

No definition for field_table

No definition for field_def

No definition for field_type

No definition for field_length

No definition for field_max_length

No definition for field_flags

No definition for field_decimals

No definition for time_inspect

No definition for time_to_s

No definition for time_get_year

No definition for time_get_month

No definition for time_get_day

No definition for time_get_hour

No definition for time_get_minute

No definition for time_get_second

No definition for time_get_neg

No definition for time_get_second_part

No definition for time_set_year

No definition for time_set_month

No definition for time_set_day

No definition for time_set_hour

No definition for time_set_minute

No definition for time_set_second

No definition for time_set_neg

No definition for time_set_second_part

No definition for time_equal

No definition for error_errno

No definition for error_sqlstate

- It seems like only the documentation had problems in that installation.
- After that, I tried rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV="production" again and got the same error:

!!! The bundled mysql.rb driver has been removed from Rails 2.2. Please install the mysql gem and try again: gem install mysql.
rake aborted!
no such file to load -- mysql

What I´m supposed to do?

Here is my set up:
- Mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.1.51, for Win64 (unknown)
- Ruby 1.8.7 (2010-08-16 patchlevel 302) [i386-mingw32]
- Ruby gem: 1.3.7
- Rails 2.2.5

Thanks in advance.
Gabriela Mota.

Replies (2)

RE: Problem Installing Redmine on Windows 7 - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 14 years ago

You will want rails 2.3.5, not 2.2.5, to make redmine work, but I suppose that won't solve your problem.

Make sure the gem is built somewhere redmine knows to look for it. I don't know windows specifics though, maybe someone here can help you, but I'd suggest asking on the rails mailing-list/forum, you might get a faster answer there (just mention the "I have installed the mysql gem, but my rails app can't find it" part though, the rest is of no relevance).

RE: Problem Installing Redmine on Windows 7 - Added by Gabriela Mota almost 14 years ago

Thanks Felix!

The problem was fixed by downloading older version of libmysql.dll and adding it into Ruby\bin.

This is the post that I followed:

And by using the 32bits mysql. That´s an important point.

Anyway redmine is running :)
