


Generate releases with svn?

Added by Jérémy ESCOLANO about 14 years ago

I everyone, I want do do something i'm not sure is possible. Here is I wanna do :

I synchronised my project with svn. No problem when I do a commit, I can see it on the project.
But want I want to do is to release versions:

For exemple myProject is v1,
I'm working on it on Monday, Thuesday, and I do sometimes commit.
On Friday, I can say this is a new version (myProject v1.1) I want, while i'm doin the commit tells redmine "here is the new version, please, specify somewhere that is now v1.1 and that you can download it (like sourceforge ?)

Is it possible to do something like that? if yes, HOW ? using tags while commiting ?
Thanks in advance

Replies (2)

RE: Generate releases with svn? - Added by Jérémy ESCOLANO about 14 years ago

I mean, generate version,

for example, a specific comit create the version available to download....

RE: Generate releases with svn? - Added by Felix Schäfer about 14 years ago

I don't this is possible, sorry.
