


Help debugging receiving emails - no issue created / no comment added

Added by Stefan H Singer almost 14 years ago


I'm trying to get a Redmine 1.0.2.stable (MySQL) installation to receive e-mails from our Google Apps account. We've set up an and sending out notifications works just fine.

However, replying to those e-mails, or mailing in a new issue via email, doesn't do anything.

The rake command I'm running for receiving e-mails via IMAP is this:
/usr/bin/rake -f /usr/share/redmine/Rakefile redmine:email:receive_imap RAILS_ENV="production" port=993 ssl=1 unknown_user=accept no_permission_check=1 username= password=thepassword project=incoming tracker=bug allow_override=project,tracker,priority

Running a --trace reveals no errors, and the e-mail actually gets marked as read, but obviously something goes wrong since nothing happens within redmine.

What could be wrong? How do I go on to debug this?

Replies (4)

RE: Help debugging receiving emails - no issue created / no comment added - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 14 years ago

Tracker (and so on) names are case-sensitive, try tracker=Bug instead.

RE: Help debugging receiving emails - no issue created / no comment added - Added by Stefan H Singer almost 14 years ago

No, I'm afraid that did no good.

Which I guess was kind of expected, since replying to notification e-mails doesn't work either.

I'm really stuck here, is there no way to actually find out what's going on? :)

RE: Help debugging receiving emails - no issue created / no comment added - Added by Stefan H Singer almost 14 years ago

I tried setting config.log_level = :debug in environment.rb but nothing ends up in the production.log when running the rake task.

RE: Help debugging receiving emails - no issue created / no comment added - Added by Stefan H Singer almost 14 years ago

Issue solved... I had my own e-mail address as the emission address. Gah.
