


Wiki doesn't work if RewriteMap lowercase is used?

Added by Ron H about 14 years ago

Ruby 1.8.7
Rails 2.3.5
Windows Server 2003 32bit with WAMP
MySQL 5.1.36

So, apparently Apache is case sensitive even though it's on a win-box. So to get around that, per, bullet point 3, I set the following settings for apache:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteMap lowercase int:tolower
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} [A-Z]
RewriteRule (.*) ${lowercase:$1} [R,L]

otherwise http://server/redmine wouldn't load vs http://server/Redmine. I don't work in the most tech savvy place, so I'd like to keep things case-insensitive if possible.

Anyway, everything works fine so far, except for initial Wiki creation. I'll create a project, go to the wiki, and hit save. Nothing will happen, and all edits will be lost. It will dump me back to the wiki editor as if nothing had happened. The ruby production log doesn't say much regarding the matter. I've verified it's the rewritemap because when I comment it out, the wiki works.

If anyone has some suggestions that could help, I'd appreciate it.

Replies (2)

RE: Wiki doesn't work if RewriteMap lowercase is used? - Added by Felix Schäfer about 14 years ago

Don't rewrite everything, just the redmine part of your URL if you really need it. At least the wiki page names are case-sensitive IIRC, other stuff might be too.

RE: Wiki doesn't work if RewriteMap lowercase is used? - Added by Ron H about 14 years ago

Thanks for the tip! Worked great!
