


Double messages in "activity" after enabling post-commit SVN hook

Added by Gregory Komissarov almost 14 years ago

Hi All, I have a problem after enabling SVN post-commit hook in repository attached to project, all messages about new revision in SVN doubled.
"Autofetch commits" checkbox in settings is clear.
Before enabling post-commit hook all was fine, one commit - one event.

post-commit hook:
cd /opt/redmine;
/opt/ruby/bin/ruby script/runner "Repository.fetch_changesets" e production >/dev/null 2>/dev/null &
svnsync synchronize http://svn1/project_name/ --source-password pass --source-username somebody --sync-password pass --sync-username somebody >/dev/null 2>/dev/null &

CentOS 5.5
Redmine v 1.0.2
MysQL 5.1
Apache 2.2.3

any ideas?
Thanks in advance

Replies (3)

RE: Double messages in "activity" after enabling post-commit SVN hook - Added by Gregory Komissarov almost 14 years ago

New information, the reason because that thing happens is that I use one SVN repository in 2 projects. For example:
test_proj, and hist sub project - sub_test_proj.
http://svn/test_proj - repository connected to project test_proj and http://svn/test_proj/subfilder - connected to project sub_test_proj as SVN source.

If I make a commit to http://svn/test_proj/subfolder I can see 1 event i activities of project test_proj and two event in activities of project sub_test_proj.
Is it possible to make redmine act like make one event in project test_proj and ne event in project sub_test_proj when I commit in http://svn/test_proj/subfolder?

RE: Double messages in "activity" after enabling post-commit SVN hook - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 14 years ago

You should see only one "Commit" in the activity of each project, that will amount to 2 if you have 2 projects pointing to the same repository.
