


Help in a new window

Added by Wil Veenstra almost 14 years ago

Hi all,

At my office we work with Redmine and I have created a webhelp for them with all customized topics describing what they have to do.

Now we changed the Help button, so it opens the webhelp (a htm file) I made (still continuing by the way).
Is there a possibility to oppen a new window when the Help button is clicked?

I am aware of the target=_blank story, but I cannot put that in the info.rb file:
def help_url; 'http://iln-egroupware/redmine-webhelp/redmine.htm' end

Is there maybe another way to achieve this?

Replies (4)

RE: Help in a new window - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 14 years ago

Try adding , :target => "_blank" at the end of menu.push :help, Redmine::Info.help_url, :last => true in lib/redmine.rb.

RE: Help in a new window - Added by Wil Veenstra almost 14 years ago

Thanks for trying to help me.
Unfortunately it did not work out.

RE: Help in a new window - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 14 years ago

Adding , :html => {:target => '_blank'}, just tested locally.

RE: Help in a new window - Added by Wil Veenstra almost 14 years ago

Thanks a lot Felix,

That works. Great!!!!
