


ActionView::TemplateError (wrong number of arguments (2 for 0))

Added by J T about 14 years ago

Fresh install of redmine, receiving this error. Did an svn checkout on the stable and stable release so 1.0 and 1.0.3 and still get the same problem.

-bash-3.2$ ../../ruby/bin/gem  list -l

*** LOCAL GEMS ***

actionmailer (2.3.5)
actionpack (2.3.5)
activerecord (2.3.5)
activeresource (2.3.5)
activesupport (2.3.5)
i18n (0.4.0)
mysql (2.8.1)
rack (1.0.1)
rails (2.3.5)
rake (0.8.7)
rmagick (2.13.1)
-bash-3.2$ RAILS_ENV=production script/about
/home/*****/ruby/gems/gems/rails-2.3.5/lib/rails/gem_dependency.rb:119:Warning: Gem::Dependency#version_requirements is deprecated and will be removed on or after August 2010.  Use #requirement
About your application's environment
Ruby version              1.8.7 (x86_64-linux)
RubyGems version          1.3.7
Rack version              1.0
Rails version             2.3.5
Active Record version     2.3.5
Active Resource version   2.3.5
Action Mailer version     2.3.5
Active Support version    2.3.5
Application root          /home/****/rails_apps/redmine
Environment               production
Database adapter          mysql
Database schema version   20100819172912

Processing AccountController#register (for *** at 2010-11-02 13:47:45) [GET]
Parameters: {"action"=>"register", "controller"=>"account"}
Rendering template within layouts/base
Rendering account/register

ActionView::TemplateError (wrong number of arguments (2 for 0)) on line #14 of app/views/account/register.rhtml:
12: <p><label for="password"><%=l(:field_password)%> <span class="required">*</span></label>
13: <%= password_field_tag 'password', nil, :size => 25 ><br />
14: <em><
= l(:text_caracters_minimum, :count => Setting.password_min_length) ></em></p>
16: <p><label for="password_confirmation"><
=l(:field_password_confirmation)%> <span class="required">*</span></label>
17: <%= password_field_tag 'password_confirmation', nil, :size => 25 %></p>

/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/i18n-0.4.2/lib/i18n/backend/base.rb:158:in `warn_syntax_deprecation!'
/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/i18n-0.4.2/lib/i18n/backend/base.rb:158:in `interpolate_without_deprecated_syntax'
/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/i18n-0.4.2/lib/i18n/backend/base.rb:153:in `gsub'
/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/i18n-0.4.2/lib/i18n/backend/base.rb:153:in `interpolate_without_deprecated_syntax'
/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/i18n-0.4.2/lib/i18n/backend/base.rb:46:in `translate'
/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/i18n-0.4.2/lib/i18n.rb:160:in `t'
lib/redmine/i18n.rb:13:in `l'
app/views/account/register.rhtml:14:in `_run_rhtml_app47views47account47register46rhtml'
app/views/account/register.rhtml:3:in `_run_rhtml_app47views47account47register46rhtml'

Rendering /home/*****/rails_apps/redmine/public/500.html (500 Internal Server Error)

Replies (2)

RE: ActionView::TemplateError (wrong number of arguments (2 for 0)) - Added by Holger Just about 14 years ago

This was coverd almost a dozen times in the forum the last 2 days. In short, Redmine is currently only compatible with i18n <= 0.4.2. Just remove the gem.

RE: ActionView::TemplateError (wrong number of arguments (2 for 0)) - Added by J T about 14 years ago

Sorry, first time ruby on rails user. Also working with cPanel, it was installed globally. Removed it and all good. Thanks again!
