


Associeted revisions

Added by SwedishMatch TimerWolf almost 14 years ago

I guss this have bin posted alot of times in this link it shows associeted revisions,

I found somewhere that the RedmineSettings tells under here how to do it

But i have read it and i dosent get how to do it

Is it an plugin or a setting somewhere in Redmine i run 1.0.2

/ Slaktarn

Replies (12)

RE: Associeted revisions - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 14 years ago

This is a core redmine feature, and I don't really understand what you don't understand.

In the standard configuration, if you have say refs #1234 in your commit message, then the revision you create along this commit message will be associated to issue 1234.

RE: Associeted revisions - Added by SwedishMatch TimerWolf almost 14 years ago

But on someway it most be linked right?

And how do you link it?

RE: Associeted revisions - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 14 years ago

SwedishMatch TimerWolf wrote:

But on someway it most be linked right?

Yes, when redmine reads the commit messages.

And how do you link it?

By putting the correct keyword and issue ID in the commit message and make readmine read the commit messages.

RE: Associeted revisions - Added by SwedishMatch TimerWolf almost 14 years ago

Can you give me an exampel?

RE: Associeted revisions - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 14 years ago

Well, in the issue you link the commit message is: Fixed: associated revisions are displayed in wrong order on issue view (#1546). The #1546 causes the revision this commit message is from to be associated with the ticket 1546.

RE: Associeted revisions - Added by SwedishMatch TimerWolf almost 14 years ago

wait a minute here....

so if i do exactly

"Fixed: associated revisions are displayed in wrong order on issue view (#1546)"

it shuld be

Reslotion: Fixed
Commit: associated revisions are displayed in wrong order on issue view
ViewID: #1546

And it shuld be whit () or dose that matter?

RE: Associeted revisions - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 14 years ago

SwedishMatch TimerWolf wrote:

so if i do exactly

"Fixed: associated revisions are displayed in wrong order on issue view (#1546)"

it shuld be

Reslotion: Fixed

If you setup your redmine to recognize Fixed as a keyword for setting the issue to "Fixed", yes, but it doesn't have to be at the beginning, it can be anywhere.

Commit: associated revisions are displayed in wrong order on issue view

No. Redmine doesn't cut out parts of the commit message, so the commit message still is: Fixed: associated revisions are displayed in wrong order on issue view (#1546)

ViewID: #1546

It's an issue ID.

And it shuld be whit () or dose that matter?

They don't matter.

Have you read the help or tried it out at all? I suggest you go try it out and come back with specific questions.

RE: Associeted revisions - Added by SwedishMatch TimerWolf almost 14 years ago

I have try a bit and i dosent manage to get it to work, it dosent link you my issuu do i need to set it up someway?

Yeh i know it valus you need to set but i have try whit the defult one two but it dosent work ether

And where do i set the values? I dosen´t find that page i think

RE: Associeted revisions - Added by SwedishMatch TimerWolf almost 14 years ago

kk i got it linked 2 stuff left

Where do i set the variables of reslutions it shuld regonize

and how do i get so it says "reslution fixes" if i do

"This commit refs #1, #2 and fixes #3"

RE: Associeted revisions - Added by SwedishMatch TimerWolf almost 14 years ago

Can´t get it to work

I have set Referencing-keywords to: Fixed:,IssueID
I have set Fix-keywords to: Added,Closed,Fixed,Resloved

I will have it to work if i do

Added: This peace of shit (#5)
Fixed: This peace of shit (#5)
Closed: This peace of shit (#5)
Resloved: This peace of shit (#5)

/ Slaktarn

RE: Associeted revisions - Added by SwedishMatch TimerWolf almost 14 years ago

Got it to working know its just the Fix-keywords that not working and reslotion

RE: Associeted revisions - Added by SwedishMatch TimerWolf almost 14 years ago

I have set Referencing-keywords to: *
I have set Fix-keywords to: added ,closed ,fixed ,resloved

Working Comments

Closed: #13
added: #12
Not working comments

Added: try to comment #12
added: try to comment #13

Closed: (#13)
added: (#12)

Have no clue why
