



Added by SwedishMatch TimerWolf almost 14 years ago

Hay im using ultraviolet-0.10.2 and the syntax working fine but when i try to change the syntax files i get

C:\Documents and Settings\Anton>uv -s yaml -t espresso_libre syntax/ini.syntax
C:/Program Files (x86)/Apache Software Foundation/Apache2.2/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1
.8/gems/ultraviolet-0.10.2/bin/uv:129:in `read': No such file or directory - syn
tax/ini.syntax (Errno::ENOENT)
        from C:/Program Files (x86)/Apache Software Foundation/Apache2.2/ruby/li
        from C:/Program Files (x86)/Apache Software Foundation/Apache2.2/ruby/bi
n/uv:19:in `load'
        from C:/Program Files (x86)/Apache Software Foundation/Apache2.2/ruby/bi

And im not sure its any good way to slove it, hoever i thinked you culd set the syntax/theme manualy, and i have check most i can but i can´t find where its set

/ Slaktarn

Replies (5)

RE: Ultraviolet - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 14 years ago

I think you've hit the wrong forum, sorry.

RE: Ultraviolet - Added by SwedishMatch TimerWolf almost 14 years ago

Where shuld i post it=?

RE: Ultraviolet - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 14 years ago

Well, you seem to have a problem with ultraviolet, why not go ask there, I think they will be much more knowledgeable with regard to things concerning their software...

RE: Ultraviolet - Added by SwedishMatch TimerWolf almost 14 years ago

I don´t think its a Ultra problem maybe an Ruby problem :/

RE: Ultraviolet - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 14 years ago

Even if it were a ruby problem, they know their software better than we do. Anyway, have you at least taken the time to actually read the error message? It seems pretty clear what problem you have.
