


How do I get Page_index on my wiki start page?

Added by Snaky Love over 14 years ago

I would like to embed the Page_index (alphabetical) on my wiki start page, how can I do this? Is this a macro?
I have been thinkig about making the wiki/Page_index page the wiki start page itself, but I need to add more infos to this startpage, so this will not work.

Thanks for your attention!

Replies (6)

RE: How do I get Page_index on my wiki start page? - Added by Felix Schäfer over 14 years ago

Have a look at the:

Sample macro.
Displays a list of all available macros, including description if available.
Displays a list of child pages. With no argument, it displays the child pages of the current wiki page. Examples:

{{child_pages}} -- can be used from a wiki page only
{{child_pages(depth=2)}} -- display 2 levels nesting only
{{child_pages(Foo)}} -- lists all children of page Foo
{{child_pages(Foo, parent=1)}} -- same as above with a link to page Foo
Includes a wiki page. Examples:

{{include(projectname:Foo)}} -- to include a page of a specific project wiki
Inserts of collapsed block of text. Examples:

This is a block of text that is collapsed by default.
It can be expanded by clicking a link.

{{collapse(View details...)
With custom link text.
Displays a clickable thumbnail of an attached image.
Default size is 200 pixels. Examples:

{{thumbnail(image.png, size=300, title=Thumbnail)}} -- with custom title and size
Displays an issue link including additional information. Examples:

{{issue(123)}}                              -- Issue #123: Enhance macro capabilities
{{issue(123, project=true)}}                -- Andromeda - Issue #123: Enhance macro capabilities
{{issue(123, tracker=false)}}               -- #123: Enhance macro capabilities
{{issue(123, subject=false, project=true)}} -- Andromeda - Issue #123
Sample macro
, if there isn't anything there…

RE: How do I get Page_index on my wiki start page? - Added by Felix Schäfer over 14 years ago

Felix Schäfer wrote:

Have a look at the:

I meant at the macro_list.

RE: How do I get Page_index on my wiki start page? - Added by Snaky Love over 14 years ago

Thanks for the info! BUT unfortunately child_pages does not show anything? I am using it on the start-page of the wiki for a project - macro_list shows there is a child_pages macro, but if I insert it into the page, nothing is shown. Is this a bug?

RE: How do I get Page_index on my wiki start page? - Added by Snaky Love over 14 years ago

Ok, so if I just add wiki pages like described in the first step "Creating a new wiki page" - these created pages are not child pages of the wiki main page? Seems so...

OK so then I come back to my question on top here: how do I get the Page_index (alphabetical) on the wiki start page for a project?

RE: How do I get Page_index on my wiki start page? - Added by Alberto Martinelli over 12 years ago

You can edit your wiki main page and add


If you do it, nothing happens. You should take your wiki pages (at least on first level) and rename it, moving as child pages of "Wiki" page, so you have automatic index on first wiki page
