


Account Registration Limitation

Added by Ko-Chin Ong about 14 years ago


We are using Redmine and have recently opened it up to multiple projects across a consortium. Previously we were able to limit automatic account creations with the lack of advertising (we realize we could also use LDAP). However, we can no longer follow this process as we are opening our installation to numerous organizations across the consortium.

The good thing however is that all the consortiums use a standard email naming structure:

We'd like to limit account registration to emails that contain a (we don't care which sub-domain they come from). We feel this would help reduce the number of random spam account we get.

Any thoughts on how we might go about doing this? As a programmer I know this is a simple validation on the account creation side for the email they are using however I don't know if it's recommended to modify the core redmine code or if it's better to look towards some sort of plug-in creation to implement this and we could use some of your assistance and ideas.

(note we would probably also look to implement email account verification on top of all this as well)

Thank you!

Replies (1)

RE: Account Registration Limitation - Added by Felix Schäfer about 14 years ago

Have a look at the validations here: source:/trunk/app/models/user.rb#L64 , I think you will be able to figure out how to enforce a tighter mail validation on your own :-)

Whether you want to change the core or put it in a plugin: both work, modifying core is easy but you have to maintain it with each update, having it in a plugin allows you to "forget" it, but might not be straightforward.
