


Automatic authentication of Redmine users

Added by Rok Lenardic almost 14 years ago

We have our custom application that is entirely independent of Redmine. What we would like is for each user that signs up for our app (server1) to also get an account in our redmine app (running on server2). Consequently, any user that logs into our app is automatically logged into the redmine one.

What would be the best/easiest way to achieve something like that without having to use a third, LDAP server.


Replies (4)

RE: Automatic authentication of Redmine users - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 14 years ago

I think you'll have to write your own authentication provider if you don't want to rely on a standardized third-party authentication provider. Regarding the single-sign-on part of your question: I think there are some plugins out there that provide such functionality, so it's possible, you'll have to include it in your auth provider though.

RE: Automatic authentication of Redmine users - Added by Rok Lenardic almost 14 years ago

Hi Felix, thanks for the quick reply. Our application is written in Python and we have full control over it which means we can implement any kind of API for the authentication.

However, we have no ruby know-how in house so if there would be any kind of plugin on the Redmine side that we only need to provide with an API that would be great. Do you know any? I only saw there's a CAS plugin available, not sure if we could somehow use that...


RE: Automatic authentication of Redmine users - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 14 years ago

I don't know much about the CAS plugin, sorry, but trying to leverage one of the existing plugins and adapting your app to suit the protocol they use will probably be the way to go then.

RE: Automatic authentication of Redmine users - Added by Anthony MEUNIER-CARUS about 1 year ago

13 years later, I have the same question, how to automatically log a user when we are authenticate with an other application

Any idea ?

