


Status is missing in drop down list although it is in the according workflow

Added by Peter Werner almost 14 years ago

Hello everybody,

I have strange problem with my redmine installation 1.0.4 which I cannot solve myself. I have several projects in an hierarchical structure. I have one project in order to have an overview for all projects. Below that project I have several subprojects. Some of them have also a subproject. In the end it looks like that

Overview project

1. subproject

- subsubproject

2. subproject


I have also a workflow defined. For the role supporter I have defined that a supporter can transfer the status "tested" to "in progress" or "finished". This working fine for my 1. subproject. But to my surprise it is working for my 2. subproject. When I load a ticket from my 2. subproject as user in the role supporter only the "in progress" is shown in the drop down list.

I have switched on the debug level for the production log and I have compared the sql statements while I was loading a ticket for the first or the second subproject. I have not seen a difference so far.

About my installation: it is a plain installation without plugins but only my self developed one. But this adds only two drop downs for contacts. Can't see how this should change the behaviour here. I have used the Bitnami installer on Windows Server 2003 using 4 mongrel processes behind a Apache 2 behind an IIS.

Has anybody of an idea what is going wrong or what I can do to trace that stuff? Can I use for example a remote debugger in order to plug in my NetBeans IDE?

Anyway: thanks for all hints and ideas.


Replies (3)

RE: Status is missing in drop down list although it is in the according workflow - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 14 years ago

I don't think you have a bug, different things to make sure of:

  • Being administrator doesn't allow you to work past workflows, you need to be member of the project and have the explicit workflow permission (things to verify: tracker, status from, status to, role in the project),
  • Roles aren't passed down to subprojects,
  • If the issue has subissues, that might block the parent issue in that regard,
  • If the issue has related issues, for example a blocking issue, you can't close it either.

RE: Status is missing in drop down list although it is in the according workflow - Added by Peter Werner almost 14 years ago

Hello Felix,

first thanks for your reply. Some comments on your suggestions

  • That was clear to me so I already checked that with different users in different roles. My colleagues where the first ones who experienced that behaviour and they a working in the roles support. If I log in I have not problem because I have the role manager in all projects and the workflow allows me to set any status. A supporter has restricted possibilities here - and this is working for one subproject like a charm, but not for another one.
  • That is true but I have already defined the members and their roles for every subproject. I did this also for that project where we have now the described problem. So this cannot be an explanation.
  • We did not use that. Only relations between tickets are used but this problem affects all tickets of one subproject with the status tested.
  • We use that feature but these tickets have not related tickets - they have only the status "tested" - and according to my workflow a supporter should be able to transfer that to "finished" - but he can't.

I know from NetBeans that you can install a debugger for ruby. Can I do install that debugger on my server and would this give me the chance to see how this page is rendered and how the array for that drop down is filled? I saw in the production log that the statuses are queried from the database. But I cannot see if theses values have been assigned in the log. O.K. I can install the IDE on my server but I would not like to that. I would prefer a way to debug from my workstation if this is possible.


RE: Status is missing in drop down list although it is in the according workflow - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 14 years ago

Peter Werner wrote:

I know from NetBeans that you can install a debugger for ruby. Can I do install that debugger on my server and would this give me the chance to see how this page is rendered and how the array for that drop down is filled? I saw in the production log that the statuses are queried from the database. But I cannot see if theses values have been assigned in the log. O.K. I can install the IDE on my server but I would not like to that. I would prefer a way to debug from my workstation if this is possible.

I don't know that anyone uses a debugger on rails apps, I guess you'd have to google for that. The usual process is to have a local copy of the app and a development database (won't help you if the problem is with the data in your DB though…), run it in development mode to have rails cache less stuff and reload as much as possible on each request (to pick up changes), and use script/console to inspect stuff inside the app. It's rather rarely that rails devs need to inspect data in a request per se, and I tend to just drop some puts my_variable.inspect around the parts I want to see, that gets output to the shell and is mostly enough.

Sorry I can't be more of help.
