


SVN Integration Switch from PAM/NSS to DAV_SVN

Added by David Higgins almost 14 years ago

I have redmine installed and working with the PAM/NSS integration for SVN integration. This is working fine for me, but there is one issue. If a user has 'Reporter' access to a project, they have both read and write permissions to the repository.

To solve this, I'm looking into installation of the DAV method of integration as referenced here

My questions are:
  • If I want to do this, can I have both PAM-NSS and DAV_SVN modules running at once.
  • If I decide to go with the DAV method, will it cause any issues with the already created PAM/NSS repositories (Other than an update of all project URLs from svn+ssh to just svn)

Replies (4)

RE: SVN Integration Switch from PAM/NSS to DAV_SVN - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 14 years ago

David Higgins wrote:

  • If I want to do this, can I have both PAM-NSS and DAV_SVN modules running at once.

Not sure what you mean, care to elaborate?

  • If I decide to go with the DAV method, will it cause any issues with the already created PAM/NSS repositories (Other than an update of all project URLs from svn+ssh to just svn)

As far as I can see DAV and PAM/NSS are just authentication methods, so it won't have any effect on the svn repositories other than that your user authentication happens elsewhere.

RE: SVN Integration Switch from PAM/NSS to DAV_SVN - Added by David Higgins almost 14 years ago

Thanks for your reply.

I want to try implementing the DAV_SVN authentication procedure alongside my working PAM/NSS method, but I want to know if it could potentially break what I already have working, or if anyone has had any experience that could be helpful in migrating from PAM/NSS to DAV_SVN

RE: SVN Integration Switch from PAM/NSS to DAV_SVN - Added by David Higgins almost 14 years ago

Just to follow up, I have both PAM/NSS and DAV_SVN working in tandem while I roll the deprecation out to my users.

Thanks for the assistance.

RE: SVN Integration Switch from PAM/NSS to DAV_SVN - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 14 years ago

David Higgins wrote:

Just to follow up, I have both PAM/NSS and DAV_SVN working in tandem while I roll the deprecation out to my users.

Great to hear that :-)
