


Where are attachments stored?

Added by Jordi Sánchez over 13 years ago

I'm new with Redmine and I have some doubts. I installed Redmine on Ubuntu Server 10.04 following the latest instructions (
After installation, "files" folder does not exist inside the Redmine installation directory. I've attached some files in a project, it seems to work properly but I can't find attached files in Ubuntu's file system and I would like to know in which directories the attached files are saved.

Thanks for your help

Replies (2)

RE: Where are attachments stored? - Added by Felix Schäfer over 13 years ago

Have you installed Redmine from source or through the Ubuntu package? If you have installed it from source, the files go to the files directory in your Redmine directory. If you have installed it from the Ubuntu package, I guess they will be in /var/redmine or something like that.

RE: Where are attachments stored? - Added by Flavio Pompermaier almost 12 years ago

I'm using Ubuntu 12.04 with Redmine 2.1.2 and by default attachments are stored under /var/lib/redmine/default/files.

I know you already have found the answer to your question but I hope this could be useful also to someone else (I spent about 30 minutes to figure it out...).

Best regards,
