


Force to reference a Ticket in commit comment

Added by Benjamin Herzig over 13 years ago

Hi quys,

how can I get that feature ?

I have seen it at work, we must reference (refs #) a ticket in our commit comment before we can commit to the server ... is the refs clause missing the server block the commit ... I think its a nice feature for a better workflow with redmine ... but I have no idea how I get it.

thanks for your help.

Replies (2)

RE: Force to reference a Ticket in commit comment - Added by Felix Schäfer over 13 years ago

That'll be a feature of the SCM server, not of Redmine. If you use subversion, search for something like "svn commit hooks".

RE: Force to reference a Ticket in commit comment - Added by Ivan Cenov over 13 years ago

If you use Subversion, this could be done on client side too. Par example Windows GUI client TortoiseSVN has properties that make committers to enter commit message and to include in it issue reference(s). This feature even allow to make hyper links from TortoiseSVN to the issues.
