


Standard menu on plugin page

Added by Andrew Bulkin over 13 years ago

Hot to show standard menu (Repository, Activities etc) for the plugin page?

1.jpg (101 KB) 1.jpg

Replies (4)

RE: Standard menu on plugin page - Added by Felix Schäfer over 13 years ago

You need to have a @project variable pointing to the correct project object when going to the view.

RE: Standard menu on plugin page - Added by Andrew Bulkin over 13 years ago

Can you give me some example or part of the code? Because I haven't absolutely understood what me to do

RE: Standard menu on plugin page - Added by Felix Schäfer over 13 years ago

Please see the Plugin_Tutorial, the interesting part for you:

If you click the Polls tab, you should notice that the project menu is no longer displayed.

To make the project menu visible, you have to initialize the controller's instance variable @project.

RE: Standard menu on plugin page - Added by Andrew Bulkin over 13 years ago

Thanks, now I understand =)
