Ticket number start
Added by Matthew Rupert about 14 years ago
My ticket numbers on a fresh install started at 10000. Why?
Replies (4)
RE: Ticket number start
Added by Etienne Massip about 14 years ago
May be generated from a sequence, is the db a bare new one ?
RE: Ticket number start
Added by Felix Schäfer about 14 years ago
Redmine gets its issue IDs from an autoincremented unique ID DB field, if the DB is configured to start autoincrements at 10000, so will the IDs for the issues in Redmine.
RE: Ticket number start
Added by Matthew Rupert about 14 years ago
Ah! Of course... How could I have missed that. Now to figure out how to revert to something more sane, like starting at #1.
RE: Ticket number start
Added by Matthew Rupert about 14 years ago
So all the Redmine sequences were configured to start at 10000. I still cannot figure out why. Where did they get this start value?