


Broken Plugins

Added by John Miller over 13 years ago

Hi folks, I'm evaluating Redmine and installed every plugin re. scrum I could find. Every one of them had problems.

  • Scrumdashboard
  • Easy Agile
  • Scrum PM
  • Backlogs

I'm wondering if there is an issue with the way I've got the system configured or if some recent updates in Redmine have left these plugins broken? I've attached a log file which does not contain all the history but should give the general idea of the problems I've incurred. Should I report this as a bug?

Replies (1)

RE: Broken Plugins - Added by Pedro Gutierrez over 13 years ago

Did you install them all at once?
I mean, all simultaneously running in the same Redmine instance?
If this were the case I guarantee that they conflict with each other. You should evaluate one by one.
