


Email attacehments added to issue, but not created in file system

Added by Arnis Juraga almost 14 years ago


We are using Debian 4.1.2-25 with Redmine Redmine 1.1.
When executed IMAP e-mail read:

rake -f /usr/local/lib/redmine-1.0.5/Rakefile redmine:email:receive_imap RAILS_ENV="production" host=SERVERHOST ssl=SSL port=993 username=USERNAME password=PASSWORD move_on_success=read move_on_failure=failed project=incoming unknown_user=accept no_permission_check=1

issue is created. But when issue has attachments, links and file names to attachment are created in issue,
but real attachment files are not copied into filesystem /files, so - opening link in issue gets 404 error.

Running with --trace does not show any error message.
Please, advice where to start.

Replies (5)

RE: Email attacehments added to issue, but not created in file system - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 14 years ago

Can you add attachments from the web interface?

RE: Email attacehments added to issue, but not created in file system - Added by Arnis Juraga almost 14 years ago

Yes, without a problem - files are attached correctly.

RE: Email attacehments added to issue, but not created in file system - Added by Arnis Juraga almost 14 years ago

My fault! Found the problem - after Redmine upgrade to version 1.1, cronjob for IMAP emails read was not edited, so it executed from old Redmine folder


So, all files were uploaded, only to old instance folder.

After correcting cron job - everything works fine!
