


Anonymous access dont see public projects

Added by David Martinez over 13 years ago

Hi all,

First of all I'd like to congrat all of you for this great project! THANKS A MILLION!

We have created a public project but we cant access to it. When we go to the public url of redmine webpage we only get and auth form. If we go the projects link (on topbar) same auth form appears.

Comments,suggestions,whatever will be very welcome.

Thanks in advance.


Replies (2)

RE: Anonymous access dont see public projects - Added by Jan from Planio over 7 years ago

We've recently written up a long howto on *Public projects in Redmine*. It's written for Planio, but almost all of it is applicable to stock Redmine as well. Hope that helps any future users coming to this page six years after the original post :-)
