


Parallel Redmine Instances from Source Install

Added by Frank Brenner almost 14 years ago


I have a Debian Squeeze server running Redmine 1.1-stable checked out from the SVN repo. I'm serving it using Passenger/Apache and postgres for the DB.

As it happens, I now have a requirement to install additional Redmine instances on the same machine. When I understand correctly, Squeeze can do this out of the box, but uses Redmine 1.0. Is it possible install Redmine with apt-get, then downgrade and migrate my existing instance to the Squeeze install?


can I add instances by checking out multiple workspaces of the code and setting them up as virtual hosts? I gather from previous posts that sharing one code base isn't such a good idea, or?


Replies (3)

RE: Parallel Redmine Instances from Source Install - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 14 years ago

Frank Brenner wrote:

As it happens, I now have a requirement to install additional Redmine instances on the same machine. When I understand correctly, Squeeze can do this out of the box, but uses Redmine 1.0. Is it possible install Redmine with apt-get, then downgrade and migrate my existing instance to the Squeeze install?

Not impossible, but nothing I'd consider trivial either. Or in other words: I wouldn't recommend it if you're new to redmine, especially because you might lose data in the process (data for features that are in 1.1 but not in 1.0 would just get dropped).

can I add instances by checking out multiple workspaces of the code and setting them up as virtual hosts? I gather from previous posts that sharing one code base isn't such a good idea, or?

I don't know what you mean by "workspaces", but stock redmine is not multi-site safe, and lest you understand exactly which parts you can and can't share, I'd recommend to just check out the code multiple times. Current storage prices don't justify trying to use the same install base for multiple instances if it's not safe.

RE: Parallel Redmine Instances from Source Install - Added by Frank Brenner almost 14 years ago

"workspace" = "sandbox" = checked-out code tree.

Ok, I think I'll play it safe and check out multiple copies as you suggest.


RE: Parallel Redmine Instances from Source Install - Added by Stéphane Gourichon over 12 years ago


Redmine packages in Debian (and therefore derivatives, like Ubuntu) are patched for multi-site by Jérémy Lal.

I've been using them on Ubuntu via (because it was more up-to-date than stock packages).

It works well for me, expect one site (which is not very different from the others) that has troubles when writing to it via the https frontend. But it might actually be unrelated (like bad https frontend configuration).

You mentioned running from source. If you really prefer source, you might need to apply the patch manually and they may be lagging (not apply cleanly, miss some new needed changes).

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