


Search syntax?

Added by Wes Christensen over 13 years ago

I got some puzzling results from search.

Search for watch, found "watch" and "watcher", but not "swatch".

Search for swatch, found "swatch".

Search for *watch, got zero results.

I also tried it with asterisks on both ends and got zero results.

Search for "watch", got the same results as watch.

Is there a way to search for a string anywhere without respect to words?

Replies (3)

RE: Search syntax? - Added by Terence Mill over 13 years ago

No. Looks like its prefix search only

RE: Search syntax? - Added by Wes Christensen over 13 years ago

So Search has just 3 options:

  1. #nnn = Find item #nnn.
  2. xxx = Find words starting with xxx.
  3. "aaa bbb" = Find items containing either aaa or bbb.

Did I miss any?

It's too bad it's so limited. Aren't there powerful open source search facilities easily available?

RE: Search syntax? - Added by Wes Christensen over 13 years ago

PS: It looks like in option #1, #nnn, the "#" is not required. Just "nnn" will jump to item #nnn.

So how do I search for numbers in the text? How can I find all items that contain the number "50"? I tried "50" and was put in advanced search.
