Show git branch name in activity
Added by Paul Stevens almost 14 years ago
Our team uses the Activity view quite a lot. For git commits, it would be great if it would show which branch this commit was in. Has anybody done a patch for this yet? I've been looking at the code but did not quite understand what could be done :-(
Replies (5)
RE: Show git branch name in activity
Added by Paul Stevens over 13 years ago
I wonder whether with Redmine 1.3.0 a feature like this would be possible? With the new branch/merge drawings in the repositories there seems to be information to which branch a commit belongs - maybe this can be shown in the activity view as well?
RE: Show git branch name in activity
Added by Jan Ivar Beddari over 13 years ago
I'm not sure but it seems like it should be possible. We can't really use the Activity view as it is now, our workflow is very git branch-centric.
Hopefully I'll have some time to look at the code soon.
RE: Show git branch name in activity
Added by Jan Ivar Beddari over 13 years ago
#5386 contains a patch that covers half of what I need. You might just want to chime in there to say you'd like this merged, too.
Be aware that this is just a list of what branches contains that exact commit. No other context info (like order) is given. So you might not be able to determine if a commit was made first on master, then merged to a feature branch, or the other way around.
RE: Show git branch name in activity
Added by Colin Mollenhour about 13 years ago
You just gave me an idea. I think I'll modify the patch to record the first branch where the commit appeared and then use that to filter out extraneous branches.
RE: Show git branch name in activity
Added by Joel SCHAAL over 11 years ago
What is the status of this ?
I would really like to see that integrated as a feature in a future release of Redmine...