


Redmine update releases

Added by Mike A about 13 years ago

Hello all,

I just inherited the management duties of our redmine instance. I don't know too much about it, so please forgive me if this question is somewhat basic or has already been answered.

We're running 1.2.1. What's happening is that every day, Redmine is pulling new releases and storing them in /var/rails/redmine/deploy/releases with random folder names such as 8769eb53bc7b5a7e72421e20564066e59c5bda1d

It is then changing the 'current' symlink to point to the latest downloaded relase.

These take up a lot of inodes and filesystem space.

How can I stop this automatic update from happening? I only want to update Redmine manually.

Thanks in advance

Replies (2)

RE: Redmine update releases - Added by André Bachmann about 13 years ago

I never heard that Redmine has the ability to update itself. Perhaps there is an external script running which is doing this.

RE: Redmine update releases - Added by Ivan Cenov about 13 years ago

It seems that you are running a workcopy or an export of trunk instead of stable release from tags...
