


Redmine custom authentication

Added by Tedd Barsons almost 13 years ago


I made class for custom auth (by this article:

During auth process i get 500 error (default Redmine 500 error page). I logged all data, that my class return, for example:


$LOG.debug("retVal: #{retVal}")

and message in logfile:
retVal: _source_id1firstnameJohnlastnameAdams

So I don't get any info in production.log. In apache log I get only: - - [22/Sep/2011:18:20:59 +0400] "POST /login HTTP/1.1" 500 674

I'm newbie in Ruby and Redmine.

Can you please help me, how can I get more info about thie error (maybe some option, that will enable to write logs into production.log)?
Or you can provide me valid article for custom Redmine auth?

Best regards,

Replies (2)

RE: Redmine custom authentication - Added by Tedd Barsons almost 13 years ago

I got this issue:

So you should use:

{ :foo => 'bar' }

insted of:

[ :foo => 'bar' ]

Please edit article.

You can close this ticket.

Best regards,

RE: Redmine custom authentication - Added by Mischa The Evil almost 13 years ago

Tedd Barsons wrote:

Please edit article.

Isn't that already covered by the comment under "Bugs"?

You can close this ticket.

This is a forum-message actually. Such cannot be closed in any way. Your feedback is sufficient, thanks.
