


Initial SVN import. How long?

Added by Anonymous almost 13 years ago

I have recently set up a new SVN repo for a client and have imported about 150 projects that already existed (on a basic file server with no versioning control). I didn't think of first installing Redmine before importing the projects and now the initial SVN setup in redmine is taking an eternity!

I am using the command line script (ruby script/runner "Repository.fetch_changesets" -e production), but its still just sitting there. Its also really annoying because I don't know how far it is and I'm remotely connected to the box and the session times out if I leave it too long.

I think there is at least about 20,000 files that were imported, how long should this generally take?

I also noticed that ruby is working overtime and using between 50-80% of the systems memory while this is running, is this normal?

Any feedback would be appreciated:)

Replies (4)

RE: Initial SVN import. How long? - Added by Anonymous almost 13 years ago

I gave up on this and ended up re-importing all the projects in batches and then refreshing the repos in Redmine. It seems it just couldn't handle that amount of files.

RE: Initial SVN import. How long? - Added by Ivan Cenov almost 13 years ago

I prefer to deal with repositories -- creating, importing files, commits, checkouts outside of Redmine.
I do following things in Redmine:
  • assign a project a repository
  • browse repository
  • browse diffs and revisions
  • make code reviews !!! the most important feature.

RE: Initial SVN import. How long? - Added by Anonymous almost 13 years ago

Thanks for the comments Ivan. This is the way I am going, but it was just initially trying to get redmine to browse the projects I imported. I did come right in the end though :)

RE: Initial SVN import. How long? - Added by Mischa The Evil almost 13 years ago

Maybe the plugin proposed in #1536 can help out. I don't know if the plugin is still compatible with current Redmine sources, but if yes I'd suggest to try it.
