


Issue Creation via Email 422 Unprocessable Entity

Added by Daniel Allen almost 13 years ago

I'm receiving 422 errors when trying to create a new issue via email. I have read through the other post on this subject and made sure all my custom required fields had a default values, I then removed their required status to check but neither worked. Like the other posts I can still reply to created issues via email. This affects all users registered and unregistered. Any help or a point in the right direction would be appreciated. I've included an extract from my production log.

Basic Info

Redmine 1.2.0

Rails 2.3.11
Ruby 1.8.7 (2010-06-23 patchlevel 299) [x86_64-linux]
Ubuntu Server 10.10
MySQL 5.1.49

Postfix Aliases

support: "|ruby /etc/postfix/rdm-mailhandler.rb --no-permission-check --verbose --url http://redmine --key xxxxxxxxxxxxxx --project Support --tracker Support --unknown-user=create --allow-override project"

Production Log

see attached

Replies (2)

RE: Issue Creation via Email 422 Unprocessable Entity - Added by Daniel Allen almost 13 years ago

HaHa, forgot to hit save when unchecking custom required field

BTW a required boolean field with the default value of unchecked(0) causes 422 errors on email creation (sorry for the mention if its documented)

RE: Issue Creation via Email 422 Unprocessable Entity - Added by Mischa The Evil almost 13 years ago

Daniel Allen wrote:


BTW a required boolean field with the default value of unchecked(0) causes 422 errors on email creation (sorry for the mention if its documented)

This is indeed the case. Documentation talks about it (not precise) but is heavily outdated.

One thing for example that is missing is that you can leave the custom field required and just pass the value of the custom field with the keyword in the email:

< mail text >
Project: foo
Tracker: bar
Custom field name: value (for booleans Yes/No)
