


field changed

Added by Gerry Hawkins almost 13 years ago


Today I saw a couple of issues get updated which had a field get set to NULL that was not intentional. One was the Assigned field, but all of the fields are custom fields. We are using 1.0.4 right now. Unfortunately the upgrade to 1."something more current" hasn't happened just yet. :-(

> Assigned to deleted (XX)
> Tester deleted (XX)
> Affects set to (YY)
> Release Note required changed from (Needs review) to (Complete)
> Release Notes set to (ZZZ)

The workflow was that the bottom three fields were changed and then the changes were submitted. The top two fields were cleared at that time. The other time I saw this it was only the Tester field that was cleared. The Assigned field was not altered.

We have tried changing the fields one at a time and not reproduced this. We have tried changing all the fields the same way and not reproduced it. We have tried this on the issues where we noticed the problem and on other issues as well. I have only seen this happen a couple of times now. This is the first time I have noticed this.

Does this sounds familiar to anyone?


Replies (1)

RE: field changed - Added by Mischa The Evil almost 13 years ago

One thing that comes up is issue moves between projects. Don't know for sure though. Are/were the changes added to the issue journal?
