


Application error Rails - application failed to start properly

Added by jose sa almost 13 years ago

I am trying to install redmine on Linux server (CentOS 5.7) with MySQL (5.0.92-community-log) and Apache (2.0.63). I followed all the installation steps:
and configuration:

Right now I'm having problems:

When I try to open the redmine in browser appears the error:
Application error Rails - application failed to start properly

I checked all the items in the site:

The apache log return:

Premature end of script headers: dispatch.cgi
dispatch.cgi:2: unknown regexp option - v
dispatch.cgi:2: warning: regex literal in condition
dispatch.cgi:2: syntax error, unexpected tIDENTIFIER, expecting $end
Premature end of script headers: dispatch.cgi

Thank you.

Best regards,

Replies (1)

RE: Application error Rails - application failed to start properly - Added by Mischa The Evil almost 13 years ago

This seems to be caused by issues with the used howto's since they describe different ways of deployment mixed through each other even on multiple platforms.
For example: HowTo_install_Redmine_on_CentOS_5 tells you to install Phusion Passenger (the easiest way to deploy Rails/Rack apps) but it doesn't utilize it. Instead, it directs you to HowTo_configure_Apache_to_run_Redmine which describes generic deployment on:
  • CentOS 5 with mod_cgi, mod_fcgid (multiple distributions) and mod_fastcgi
  • Ubuntu Server with Phusion Passenger
  • FreeBSD with mod_fastcgi
Regarding your situation: I'd suggest to choose Passenger as the way to deploy Redmine unless you have specific needs for the others. You should have installed it already as the CentOS 5 howto instructs you to do that.
Now, revert the changes you've made for HowTo_install_Redmine_on_CentOS_5 under:
  • Rename dispatch CGI files
  • Edit .htaccess file for CGI dispatch configuration
  • Chown and Chmod files for read/write access for the Apache user

and revert the changes you've made according to HowTo_configure_Apache_to_run_Redmine (you haven't told what parts of the howto you've followed, so I can't give you precise steps here).
After this, deploy Redmine through Passenger (this is described in depth in the outstanding documentation of Passenger), and restart Apache/Passenger as the docs tells you to do.

Hope this helps as this is kinda hard to troubleshoot with the available information...
