


a problem with opening a new issue with various tracker and status by e-mail

Added by alex petrov almost 13 years ago

I have a problem with opening a new issue by e-mail
Problem: to open a new issue by e-mail I create a letter referring here(
For example(in a letter body):

Project: sample project
Tracker: sample tracker
Status: sample status

To read this issue by e-mail I do:
/opt/redmine-1.2.1-2/ruby/bin/rake redmine:email:receive_pop3 RAILS_ENV="production" host=<host ip> port=110 username=<username> password=<pass>

After that redmine create the new issue in the necessary project('sample project') but ONLY in the first trecker(which is in the list of trackers) and with the first status(which is in the list of statuses) that accessible for 'sample project'. This tracker is not the tracker where I want to open the issue. I want to open a new issue in the different tracker of this project.
by the way..
The newest issue contain:
Tracker: sample trecker
Status: sample status
though redmine has this tracker and status(and were bound to 'sample project') it is similar that Remine doesn't know them

what is the problem?
could you help me to solve this problem?

Replies (1)

RE: a problem with opening a new issue with various tracker and status by e-mail - Added by Mischa The Evil almost 13 years ago

It looks like you are missing the issue attributes control options for the tracker. Please read RedmineReceivingEmails carefully.
