


auto-fill date fields based on calculation?

Added by Jen Wilton over 12 years ago

Hi, I am trying to determine if there is a way to automatically set the date fields in a project template to populate based on the start date of the project or an issue that must be completed before the next can start. For example, Issue #1 might have a due date that is always 7 days after the project starts, but Issue #2 needs to be due 10 days after completion of Issue #1. Is there a way to set this to populate automatically? I am having a bad time with trying to get projects set up because of this. If a date ends up being moved, either forward or backward, I then manually have to alter the other Issues' due dates.

Any help would be appreciated. I have searched the forums, the internet at large, plug-ins, etc but have not found anything that will do this.


Replies (1)

RE: auto-fill date fields based on calculation? - Added by Mischa The Evil over 12 years ago

Jen Wilton wrote:

[...] but Issue #2 needs to be due 10 days after completion of Issue #1. Is there a way to set this to populate automatically?

This specifically is what the precedes/follows issue relation type is for. This also automatically deals with changes in the individual start- and due dates.

This is documented briefly at RedmineIssues.
