


Search for issue number

Added by Jonas Haraldsson over 12 years ago

We are using Redmine and Subversion at my company and it works very well.

One of the few problems we have with Redmine is that we cannot find the SVN revisions belonging to a certain issue. We have entered the issue number in the SVN log message ("Resolved issue #123") and the link from the repository page to the issue works without problem.

The problem is that given a specific issue, we cannot find the SVN revision that solved that issue.
Now we go to the revision page, show all revisions and use the web browser to search for the issue number.

If you enter the issue number in the Redmine search field it always jumps directly to the issue. There does not seem to be any way to search for an issue number.

Replies (2)

RE: Search for issue number - Added by Mischa The Evil over 12 years ago

Jonas Haraldsson wrote:

If you enter the issue number in the Redmine search field it always jumps directly to the issue. There does not seem to be any way to search for an issue number.

You can workaround that feature by putting the issue reference (#XXXX) into double quotes. This way it actually searches for the literal string containing the issue reference.

RE: Search for issue number - Added by Jonas Haraldsson over 12 years ago

Thank you for the reply.
however, in my Redmine installation this does not work.

If I enter 123, #123, "#123", "123", '123' or '#123' in the search field, I always go directly to the issue with number 123.

I use the Bitnami Redmine stack version 1.2.2.
