Ability to assign issues to groups
Added by Mseuda Adeusm about 13 years ago
In changelog 1.3.0, i read : Ability to assign issues to groups
But i can't found how to use it.
Replies (10)
RE: Ability to assign issues to groups - Added by Terence Mill about 13 years ago
You must create a gourp and assign users to it..
Then add group to project in a role that issues assigning rights are granted.
Then open new issue an assign this group to the issue.
RE: Ability to assign issues to groups - Added by Mseuda Adeusm about 13 years ago
Ok, i do that... But, in issue "assign to" i can see the users only, not the group.
Thank again
RE: Ability to assign issues to groups - Added by Terence Mill about 13 years ago
Thre must be a switch in project settings to activate the feature somewhere, as i remeber..
RE: Ability to assign issues to groups - Added by Mseuda Adeusm almost 13 years ago
So, i can't find this stuff in project settings.. It's possible that i'm stupid.. ;o)
Can u send a printscreen ? Thank a lot.
RE: Ability to assign issues to groups - Added by Dave Shellenberger almost 13 years ago
Have you resolved this issue? I'm testing an update from 1.1.1 to 1.3.1 to be able to assign issues to groups and I cannot see the groups in the Asignee dropdown in the Update section.
RE: Ability to assign issues to groups - Added by Mateysz Brzeziński over 12 years ago
I'v got the same problem, currently using 1.4.1 version, and no ability to assign group.
Any help?
RE: Ability to assign issues to groups - Added by Dave Shellenberger over 12 years ago
It's there but for some reason turned off by default. Go to Administration > Settings > Issue Tracking and check the box for 'Allow issue assignment to groups.'
RE: Ability to assign issues to groups - Added by Mateysz Brzeziński over 12 years ago
David Nguyen, thanks a lot, I spent some time trying to find if there maybe is any switch to turn it on, so it is, but I couldn't find it :)
RE: Ability to assign issues to groups - Added by Ahmet Alper AYCAN over 12 years ago
Administration -> Settings -> Issue tracking -> Allow issue assignment to groups (checked)
RE: Ability to assign issues to groups - Added by cherry Tsai over 11 years ago
Thanks a lot, I can find it. :)