Ability to assign issues to groups
Added by Mseuda Adeusm about 13 years ago
In changelog 1.3.0, i read : Ability to assign issues to groups
But i can't found how to use it.
Replies (10)
RE: Ability to assign issues to groups
Added by Terence Mill about 13 years ago
You must create a gourp and assign users to it..
Then add group to project in a role that issues assigning rights are granted.
Then open new issue an assign this group to the issue.
RE: Ability to assign issues to groups
Added by Mseuda Adeusm about 13 years ago
Ok, i do that... But, in issue "assign to" i can see the users only, not the group.
Thank again
RE: Ability to assign issues to groups
Added by Terence Mill about 13 years ago
Thre must be a switch in project settings to activate the feature somewhere, as i remeber..
RE: Ability to assign issues to groups
Added by Mseuda Adeusm about 13 years ago
So, i can't find this stuff in project settings.. It's possible that i'm stupid.. ;o)
Can u send a printscreen ? Thank a lot.
RE: Ability to assign issues to groups
Added by Dave Shellenberger almost 13 years ago
Have you resolved this issue? I'm testing an update from 1.1.1 to 1.3.1 to be able to assign issues to groups and I cannot see the groups in the Asignee dropdown in the Update section.
RE: Ability to assign issues to groups
Added by Mateysz Brzeziński almost 13 years ago
I'v got the same problem, currently using 1.4.1 version, and no ability to assign group.
Any help?
RE: Ability to assign issues to groups
Added by Dave Shellenberger almost 13 years ago
It's there but for some reason turned off by default. Go to Administration > Settings > Issue Tracking and check the box for 'Allow issue assignment to groups.'
RE: Ability to assign issues to groups
Added by Mateysz Brzeziński almost 13 years ago
David Nguyen, thanks a lot, I spent some time trying to find if there maybe is any switch to turn it on, so it is, but I couldn't find it :)
RE: Ability to assign issues to groups
Added by Ahmet Alper AYCAN almost 13 years ago
Administration -> Settings -> Issue tracking -> Allow issue assignment to groups (checked)
RE: Ability to assign issues to groups
Added by cherry Tsai almost 12 years ago
Thanks a lot, I can find it. :)